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Going on a summer holiday? Be smart and spend less!

Summer is fast approaching, and if you are hoping to get away for a holiday, now is the time to get it sorted if you’ve not already done so. 

Unfortunately, times are tight for many of us, and your dream holiday might seem out of reach at this point. However, there are many ways you can have a great holiday this summer without spending a small fortune. So it’s important to do your research and look around – both online and with a travel agent – for the best price on the destination and type of holiday you want.

But once your holiday is booked, there are more things that you can do to make it even more of a bargain. In this article we take a look at:


  • Five money saving tips before you go on holiday;
  • Five ways to spend less money when on holiday.


Five money saving tips before you go on holiday

The devil is in the detail, as they say. And it’s true that if you take time to organise a few things before you go on holiday, you won’t end up having to use any of your spending money on the boring stuff!

Here are five tips to consider:


  • Travel light

You can save a lot of time, hassle and money if you travel light. Many airlines now charge for baggage to go into the hold, and then there’s all that waiting around at the end of your journey. So why not just travel with hand luggage? 

Before you throw up your hands in horror, just think about the last time you went on a similar holiday. You probably wore a fraction of what you actually took, so why not give it a go this time? You can take a small case onto the plane (dimensions up to 56/45/25 cm or 22/17.5/9.5 in) plus a handbag, tote bag or backpack. 

As well as being cheaper and avoiding delays on arrival, having hand luggage means that there is no risk of your bags going missing. And if you find there’s anything else you really need on holiday, you can buy it there and bring home a lovely souvenir of your holiday.


  • Organise your money

Take time before you go to research the best way of getting money for your destination. For example, decide on the best combination of credit cards and cash that you are going to use. Credit cards are useful for holiday purchases, and can also offer you a level of protection if things go wrong. But check whether you will be charged extra for using a credit card, and also remember you will need to pay it back so keep an eye on what you are spending.

If you need local currency, it’s usually better to get this before you go. But do check, because if your holiday destination has a good banking system, you may be able to get a better deal there. Also check whether there are any currency restrictions which could limit the amount of currency you are allowed to bring in or take out of the country.

A bit of research and effort before you go can help you to avoid poor exchange rates or excess card charges once you are on holiday.


  • Get the best phone deal

It’s a good idea to check with your mobile phone company before you go about the cheapest way to use your phone abroad. Check what is and is not included, so that you know what rates you will be charged for calls, texts and data. Also see if there is a travel bundle that can help to keep costs down.

Also search online for the most up to date advice for your model of phone on which settings to enable and disable. For example you can switch off data roaming so that you do not run up any unexpected charges. This is particularly important now that the UK is not part of the EU and UK mobile users are no longer able to ‘roam like you’re at home’. It is usually cheaper to use local WiFi than your phone network, but check that this is free and you won’t end up with a hefty bill.


  • Plan your airport transport

Any kind of transport to an airport can be expensive, so it’s important to plan this in advance rather than end up in a last minute panic with a hefty bill as well. 

If you are travelling light then public transport can be the cheapest option, for example an airport train or bus service. If you decide to drive then hunt around for the best parking option : if you are travelling some distance it may be worth considering an overnight stay if you can find a nearby hotel that includes parking for the duration of your holiday.

Taxis can be incredibly expensive, so a better option would be if you could find a friend who is prepared to give you a lift, and you agree to do the same for them in future. This is a great way to get door to door service without the hassle and expense.


  • Check into an airport lounge

This may not seem the most obvious way to save money, but if you have a long wait at the airport it is worth considering. Prices start at around £25-35 per person and typically include food and drink (sometimes including alcohol), wifi, newspapers and showers.

You can usually check into an airport lounge 2-3 hours in advance of your flight, and when you think of the money you could spend in that time on food, drink, and airport shops, it could make sense to book an airport lounge. Start by checking out a few examples online, for example Travel Supermarket


Five ways to spend less money when on holiday

Once you reach your destination there are still plenty of ways to spend less money. Whilst you don’t want to be counting the pennies every minute, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on what you are spending. So if you can have a great time for less money, then why not.

Try out our five tips below:


  • Find fun for free!

Rather than spending yet more money on organised events and excursions, do a little investigation of your own. It is often much cheaper to visit places of interest independently rather than paying for a tour. For example, most cities have free walking tours that you can join rather than paying the holiday company to do the same thing.

Also look around for local attractions and events that may not be on the tourist radar but would be great fun to go to. at your destination. Check local websites and social media, and also ask around for word of mouth recommendations. 


  • Use local public transport

If you are going out and about independently, then make the most of local public transport. This may feel a bit intimidating at first, but is usually the cheapest – and often the most efficient – way of getting around.

So find out as much as you can about local buses, trains and boats, and you will be able to see so much more of your holiday destination for a fraction of the cost of organised excursions.


  • Make the most of your hotel food package

One of the biggest daily expenses on holiday is food and drink. But you can cut back drastically on these costs by making the most of your hotel food package. If you are on an all-inclusive package, then hopefully you should not need to spend any more money on food at all unless you particularly want to eat away from the hotel at any stage. 

With a half board package, you can make full use of the food that is there to minimise what you need to spend away from the hotel. For example, if you plan a late breakfast and early dinner, you can probably skip lunch most days. And if you are on bed and breakfast only, you can eat as late and as fully as you can, and then have a combined late lunch/early dinner out somewhere so that you are only paying for one meal.

And if you have any facilities in your room to make and/or eat a simple meal, buying supplies at a local supermarket is usually much cheaper than eating out. 


  • Eat where the locals eat . . .

If you do want to eat out, the best thing is to avoid tourist traps and eat where the locals eat.

Try to find smaller cafes, restaurants and bars favoured by locals, or be brave and ask some of the locals for recommendations. Either way, yYou are likely to get better quality food and a more authentic atmosphere as well as a much cheaper price than the more touristy places.


  • … or eat with the locals!

Taking the above idea one step further, there are various ways that you can eat with the locals. Look into apps such as Eatwith and Travelling Spoon which can offer a range of opportunities including food-based events hosted by locals to home-cooked meals being prepared for you and your party. The cost should be no more than eating in a tourist-based restaurant but the experience will be much more authentic and interesting.


We hope that the above tips are useful in helping you to spend less money on your summer holiday this year. If you need any extra funds urgently at any stage of the process, remember that you can get loans same day from Munzee Loans which should be able to help.

Happy holidays! And do check back here soon for more lifestyle and financial tips from Munzee Loans.